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  • 09/05/2012 4:33 PM | Anonymous

    Recently all CIPA Supporting Members received the biannual newsletter, CIPA Standard, a 6-page formatted document containing CIPA news and activities reports, a fall farm bill prognostication and update, and CIPA PAC information. To receive your copy of CIPA Standard, please join CIPA as a Supporting Member for the nominal annual fee of $10.


    Supporting Membership is for anyone whose livelihoods are affected by crop insurance. In addition to receiving the newsletter, Supporting Members are granted access to additional resources on the website and allowed to contribute to the CIPA PAC.


    Please feel free to contact us at 202.544.5873 with any questions.

  • 08/09/2012 11:49 AM | Anonymous

    A Letter to the Editor by CIPA Board Member, Jason Williamson of Payne, Ohio, was recently published in the New York Times in response to an editorial the newspaper ran titled, "Drought and the Farm Bills." Among other things, the article claimed crop insurance “guaranteed profits” for farmers. You can read Jason’s response below:


    To the Editor:


    Your July 25 editorial “Drought and the Farm Bills” implies that farmers are somehow purchasing crop insurance policies as a way to get rich. Nothing could be further from the truth.


    Crop insurance has become the chief risk management tool for farmers for one simple reason: It works. Farmers purchase policies and can receive claims only for documented losses.


    As you noted, most of the United States is locked in a severe drought this year. Crop losses may be deep, and no crop insurance indemnity will be enough to make any of these farmers whole again. The indemnity will allow those who purchased policies to get back on their feet and farm yet another day.


    Do you think that drivers who purchase car insurance are secretly hoping for a car wreck to get a check from the insurance company? It’s an absurd idea. You purchase insurance for protection, not to make a buck.


    As a crop insurance agent, I can tell you that there is nothing farmers want more than a bountiful harvest. But if Mother Nature does not cooperate, and it looks as if she won’t this year, farmers will need crop insurance as a backup plan.



    Payne, Ohio, July 27, 2012


  • 07/09/2012 6:01 PM | Anonymous

    After the release of the House farm bill last week, CIPA joined with Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (Big I), and the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) in sending a letter to Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN) expressing support for the bill. In the letter CIPA commends Mr. Lucas and Mr. Peterson for constructing a “bipartisan farm bill that honors the request of producers to do no harm to Federal Crop Insurance.” The letter goes on to express support for numerous aspects of the bill. You can read the entire letter here.


  • 06/19/2012 5:53 PM | Anonymous

    Quentin Bowen, a corn and soybean farmer from Humboldt, Nebraska, penned an op-ed for the Omaha World Herald, in which he takes the false assertions regularly made by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) head on:


    "The EWG is skilled in information manipulation and persuasion, and it has been at the forefront of eliminating much of farm policy in recent years. Ironically, while the United States has been taking tools away from its farmers as a result, our biggest foreign competitors - some of the worst environmental offenders on the planet - have been ratcheting up subsidization levels. The EWG hasn't seemed to care."


    Mr. Bowen goes on to clearly articulate why crop insurance is essential for farmers like himself in managing their unique risks, and why anti-crop insurance amendments being considered in the Senate farm bill debate should be defeated.


    Please find the entire article here.

  • 05/21/2012 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    Ruth Gerdes, CIPA Member and Regulatory Affairs Committee Chair from Auburn, Nebraska, testified at the House Agriculture Committee on Thursday, May 17, 2012. Ruth told the committee her own personal history with crop insurance – how her family almost lost their farm in the 1980’s because they had been sold the wrong crop insurance coverage – and how that spurred her into becoming an agent. She vowed to never let what happen to her family happen again to them or their neighbors, and ever since she has been dedicated to building and improving Federal Crop Insurance into the success story it is today.


    The screen shot below is linked to the House Agriculture Committee website, where a video of the hearing can be found. Ruth was on the fourth panel of the hearing and comes on the video at the 1 hour 45 minute mark.


    You can also read Ruth's written testimony.


  • 05/15/2012 8:45 AM | Anonymous

    National Crop Insurance Services made public today a video discussing the Texas drought and how crop insurance helped farmers and ranchers pick up the pieces after the disaster. The video features a grower and a banker from the state. Please share the video link with anyone who might benefit from watching it – it truly does speak to the value of crop insurance.


    Please find the video linked here.

  • 05/14/2012 8:43 AM | Anonymous

    The number one goal of a crop insurance agent is to put the farmer first. Ruth Gerdes, farmer and crop insurance agent from Auburn, Nebraska knows this as well as anyone.  Here you will find a document Ruth put together that details the work the Auburn Agency does on a month by month basis over the course of a year.  This is the process Ruth and her team goes through for each and every client, taking special care to fully educate them on their risk management options available.


    Find the month by month description of the work done by a crop insurance agent here.

  • 05/14/2012 8:20 AM | Anonymous

    See the importance of Crop Insurance to your state by clicking on the linked factsheet. Or view a summary of the entire United States. If you are interested in a state that is not listed, please feel free to contact us at


    State factsheets: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Vermont.

  • 05/01/2012 10:44 AM | Anonymous

    National Crop Insurance Services created the following educational video featuring Tom Zacharias, President of NCIS. The short video titled “Crop Insurance 101” consists of Mr. Zacharias explaining how Federal Crop Insurance works using a white board. We hope you enjoy.


    Please find the video linked here.

  • 04/17/2012 11:43 AM | Deleted user

    We are thrilled to welcome you to the new CIPA site, now primarily hosted at


    The site offers a variety of resources both to members and the public. Please take advantage of the educational information available, and check back often for news and updates.


    Some highlights of the new site include:

    • The ability to join CIPA online as a Supporting Member for only $10. For more information about CIPA membership levels, click here.
    • Information about CIPA events and a frequently updated calendar.
    • The resource section for CIPA members includes business and policy resources, member-controlled profile pages and material about the CIPA Political Action Committee.
    • Full and Associate Members can access the Member Directory, upload their logo and update email preferences, access current and archived newsletters in one convenient location and see event registration and teleconference information.

    Please take advantage of this new site, and let us know if you encounter any problems by emailing

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