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Omaha World Herald Op-ed

06/19/2012 5:53 PM | Anonymous

Quentin Bowen, a corn and soybean farmer from Humboldt, Nebraska, penned an op-ed for the Omaha World Herald, in which he takes the false assertions regularly made by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) head on:


"The EWG is skilled in information manipulation and persuasion, and it has been at the forefront of eliminating much of farm policy in recent years. Ironically, while the United States has been taking tools away from its farmers as a result, our biggest foreign competitors - some of the worst environmental offenders on the planet - have been ratcheting up subsidization levels. The EWG hasn't seemed to care."


Mr. Bowen goes on to clearly articulate why crop insurance is essential for farmers like himself in managing their unique risks, and why anti-crop insurance amendments being considered in the Senate farm bill debate should be defeated.


Please find the entire article here.

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