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  • 04/24/2014 10:20 AM | Anonymous
    CIPA agents take pride in being among the most informed agents in the country on issues related to Federal Crop Insurance. So it was no surprise that such a large number of agents joined us for the Farm Bill webinar series that included presentations tailored towards the Midwest, South, and Western/Great Plains regions. 

    The new policies and improvements made to Federal Crop Insurance in the 2014 Farm Bill serve only as further proof that crop insurance has become the most vital risk management tool to the vast majority of farmers across the nation. CIPA firmly believes that private sector delivery is a primary driver of the success of crop insurance and that agents will continue to be on the forefront of offering risk management advice to their farmer clients.

    The presentations and audio recordings of the call are available to CIPA members and are posted on the Policy Resources in the Members Area of the website. If you are a CIPA member and need to set or reset your password, you may do so here
  • 02/04/2014 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    Crop Insurance Professionals Association is greatly appreciative of the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill. CIPA is especially grateful of the hard work and perseverance of Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK), Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN), and Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-MS), and their respective staffs. Crop insurance is the premier risk management tool for the majority of farmers today, and the Agricultural Act of 2014 builds on and improves the policy.

  • 01/28/2014 12:46 PM | Anonymous
    In a letter signed by the entire Board of Directors, CIPA urged Congress to pass the 2014 Farm Bill conference report. The legislation achieves the number one ask of crop insurance agents and our farmer clients - do no harm to crop insurance. 

    CIPA especially commends Chairman Frank Lucas, Ranking Member Collin Peterson, Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, and Ranking Member Thad Cochran for their tireless work on behalf of all of American agriculture. 

    You may find a copy of the letter here

  • 11/06/2013 10:54 AM | Anonymous
    The 2013 CIPA Fall Membership Meeting held in Charleston, South Carolina was a great success. The meeting was attended by a record number of agents, AIP representatives, industry leaders and guests. Speakers at the General Session included RMA Administrator Brandon Willis, David Wasserman with The Cook Political Report, Jim Wiesemeyer with Informa Economics, Phillip Hayes with Northbridge Communications, Tom Zacharias with National Crop Insurance Services, House and Senate Agriculture Committee staff, and South Carolina producers.

    Additionally, the more focused breakout sessions, such as the Legislative Affairs and Regulatory Affairs Committee meetings and the Data & Technology Roundtable Discussion, were informational and productive. Administrator Willis was able to attend both committee meetings.

    If you would like to be involved in CIPA or need more information about membership, please fill out the online contact form or call 202-544-5873.
  • 09/13/2013 4:10 PM | Anonymous
    In a series of one-sided articles published this week, Bloomberg News took direct aim at crop insurance. While it is disappointing to see reporters basically regurgitate EWG talking points and treat them as fact, we have seen these arguments from the critics before. We’ve beaten them back in the past and will beat them again. National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) and Farm Policy Facts did nice jobs issuing rebuttals to the articles. The articles and responses are linked to below. 
  • 06/12/2013 2:46 PM | Anonymous
    Crop Insurance Professionals Association signed two letters this week that were circulated on Capitol Hill. The first letter CIPA signed alongside 194 other commodity and crop insurance organizations advocates Members of the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the Farm Bill passed out of the House Committee on Agriculture. CIPA also signed a letter requesting Congressmen to oppose all amendments to the Farm Bill that will be harmful to crop insurance.

    Please feel free to circulate the letters linked to above to your Representative with notes telling them crop insurance is important to their constituents.   
  • 03/13/2013 9:15 AM | Anonymous

    CIPA signed on to a letter expressing support for crop insurance and opposition to any action that would “discourage producer participation or undermine private sector delivery.” The letter was sent to every Senator and Representative in Congress. Alongside CIPA, a strong showing of commodity groups – over 40 total – signed on to the letter proving broad support of Federal Crop Insurance.


    Read the letter sent to the House and Senate.

  • 03/08/2013 3:04 PM | Anonymous

    National Crop Insurance Services released an outstanding video featuring farmers, agents, and adjusters all reacting to the critics’ claims that “farmers are praying for a drought” so they can collect on crop insurance, and that they are “laughing all the way to the bank.” Farm Policy Facts (FPF) is helping circulate the video and press release. Please help circulate the video to your farmer clients, fellow agents, family and friends.

  • 02/14/2013 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    Another successful membership meeting is in the books. CIPA members met Monday afternoon in Indian Wells, California in conjunction with the Annual Industry Convention. The meeting was led off by Tom Sell of Combest, Sell & Associates who gave a Washington D.C. report. Following Tom’s presentation, Brandon Willis, Acting Administrator of RMA, hosted a roundtable discussion with CIPA members to discuss future challenges and opportunities for Federal Crop Insurance.


    For information on joining CIPA, please visit the membership page or contact us at 202.544.5873.

  • 01/17/2013 9:14 AM | Anonymous

    Thinking about joining Crop Insurance Professionals Association?


    CIPA represents independent crop insurance agents from across the country on legislative and regulatory affairs in Washington D.C., in addition to providing a forum for the top agents in the nation to network with each other and exchange information and ideas. CIPA members are kept up-to-date on the latest issues facing crop insurance by the leadership team, which is led by Larry Combest, former Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and principle author of the 2000 Ag Risk Protection Act (ARPA) and the 2002 Farm Bill.


    You can learn more and apply for membership here on our website. You may also refer to our membership factsheet for more information.

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Crop Insurance Professionals Association

174 North Carolina Avenue, SE

Washington, DC 20003

(202) 215-6645

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Crop Insurance Professionals Association

12023 E CR 6500

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(806) 577-7193

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