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Apply for CIPA Membership Today

01/17/2013 9:14 AM | Anonymous

Thinking about joining Crop Insurance Professionals Association?


CIPA represents independent crop insurance agents from across the country on legislative and regulatory affairs in Washington D.C., in addition to providing a forum for the top agents in the nation to network with each other and exchange information and ideas. CIPA members are kept up-to-date on the latest issues facing crop insurance by the leadership team, which is led by Larry Combest, former Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and principle author of the 2000 Ag Risk Protection Act (ARPA) and the 2002 Farm Bill.


You can learn more and apply for membership here on our website. You may also refer to our membership factsheet for more information.

Copyright © 2011, Crop Insurance Professionals Association, All rights reserved.

Washington, DC Office

Crop Insurance Professionals Association
174 North Carolina Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 215-6645

Membership and Billing Office

Crop Insurance Professionals Association

12023 E CR 6500
Lorenzo, TX 79343
Phone: (806) 577-7193

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